Before your arrival

Different offices of the University deal with different aspects of your stay in Ferrara. The appointment procedure is dealt with by your home University together with the Orientation, Welcome and Incoming Office of our University.

Once this phase is successfully completed, you need to get in touch with the Department’s Academic Erasmus Coordinators and submit your proposals for the Learning Agreement.

The Erasmus Coordinator for the incoming students is: Prof.Silvia Borelli

Please send your Learning Agreement proposal to the Erasmus Coordinator by 30th June (1st Semester) or 15th November (2nd Semester).

You can find further information on the nomination procedure here (in English) and here (in Italian).

Please note: It will be possible, and sometimes necessary, to change your list of courses during your stay. Once in Ferrara, please take time to decide whether your original Learning Agreement is suitable or you wish to modify it. Once you have taken your decision, fill in your study plan accordingly, using the online form available here (paragraph "Study plan").