Double degrees

The Department of Law of the University of Ferrara, in partnership with the University of Granada (Spain) and the University of Strasbourg (France) organizes the following Double Degree programmes:

  • Double Degree programme: Laurea magistrale in Giurisprudenza / Grado en derecho - jointly organized with the University of Granada;
  • Double Degree programme: Laurea magistrale in Giurisprudenza / Licence en Droit, Master 1, Master 2 - jointly organized with the University of Strasbourg;
  • Double Degree programme in Legal Services / Criminology, jointly organized with the University of Granada.

Such international degree programmes envisage a mobility period at the partner university.

Upon completion of the international programme, students will obtain a double degree in compliance with the different national rules and consequently valid in both countries.

Information for students of the University of Strasbourg and of the University of Granada

Here you can find a practical guide dedicated to incoming Double Degree students at the Department of Law:
Download the guide

For any questions regarding the administrative aspects and the application procedure, you should contact the Orientation, Welcome and Incoming Office of the University of Ferrara.  

For information related to teaching activities and the academic life at the Department, please contact the Departmental Coordinators:

  • prof.ssa Silvia Borelli for the DD programme / Laurea magistrale in Giurisprudenza, with Strasbourg;
  • prof.ssa Silvia Schiavo for the DD programme / Laurea magistrale in Giurisprudenza, with Granada and the DD programme in Legal services, with Granada.

To know when the semesters exactly start, you can consult the academic agenda at this page.

The Department offers incoming students pre-semester courses, starting two weeks before the lessons officially start.

We recommend that double degree international students attend the Italian Language Crash Course level B2, which can be included in the Learning Agreement. For more information, please visit this page (section "Italian language courses").

The study plans of the Double Degree programmes for the students of Granada and Strasbourg - study paths for incoming students - are available here:
Study plan for DD LM Law / Grado en derecho 

Study plan for DD LM Law / Licence en Droit - Master "Droit des affaires" - parcours "Droit bancaire et financier"

Study plan for DD LM Law / Licence en Droit - Master "Droit des affaires" - parcours "Droit de l'internet et des systèmes d'information"

Study plan for DD LM Law / Licence en Droit - Master "Droit Européen" - parcours "Droit et politiques de l'Union européenne"

Study plan for DD LM Law / Licence en Droit - Master "Droit Européen" - parcours "Droit international et européen des affaires"

Study plan for DD LM Law / Licence en Droit - Master "Droit Européen" - parcours "Espace de liberté, de securité et de justice"

Study plan for DD LM Law / Licence en Droit - Master "Droit pénal et sciences criminelles" - parcours "Criminologie"

Study plan for DD LM Law / Licence en Droit - Master "Droit pénal et sciences criminelles" - parcours "Droit pénal appliqué"

Study plan for DD Legal Services / Criminology

Partial exam programmes for double degree students are available as follows:

Partial exam programmes for DD LM Law /Granada (for incoming students: see "Percorso Spagna - Italia)

Partial exam programmes for DD LM Law / Strasbourg