Erasmus+ Traineeship

The Department of Law welcomes foreign students interested in spending an internship period within the framework of the Erasmus+ Traineeship programme.
The internship period will be completed at one of the Centres of the Department of Law: Centre for Advanced Training and Consultancy for Administrations (CAFCA), European Documentation Centre (CDE), or Macrocrimes - Centre for European Legal Studies on Macro-Crime.

Under the supervision of one of the members of these Centres, the trainee will be involved in research tasks in support of the Centres’ activities, in legal translation activities, in the organization of and participation in scientific events, as well as in the management of the Centres’ website.

The trainee will also be given an opportunity to participate in seminars and scientific events organized for Postdocs and PhD students, and to benefit from interaction with lecturers and guests of the Centres.

The traineeship will enable the participant to benefit from the resources as well as the expertise of the members and fellows of the Centres, in order to conduct individual research activities.

Traineeship periods:

  • February - May - Applications in December (previous year)
  • October - December - Applications in June

Knowledge of Italian language (level B2) is required.

For further information, please contact