
Through its Centres, the Department of Law engages in legal advisory activity on behalf of several bodies, companies and Italian, European and international institutions. It provides opinions (Amici Curiae) to the high courts and cooperates with public authorities, thanks to the participation of professors in various Boards, Observatories, and Evaluation-, Disciplinary- and Guarantee- Committees, as well as the assignment of specific tasks and the conclusion of agreements which involve partners in mutual cooperation.

For example, the Department works closely with Emilia-Romagna Region and Veneto Region, the national Ombudsman for prisoners' rights, Ministries, the Armed Forces, Italian Air force and Army, the European Commission, UN Agencies, the International Labour Organization and NATO. Regarding the latter, a collaboration between the Macrocrimes Centre and the Legal Office of the North-Atlantic Treaty Organization has led to the creation of the Macrocrimes/NATO Legal Clinic, open to all students. Those who attend the legal clinic are required to produce a research report focused on a topic in Public International Law, which will be published on the NATO LAWFAS Portal and made available to researchers and NATO officials worldwide.

Here you can find a list of some activities that have been organized in collaboration with various institutions: